Your 1:1 Care Session

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Are you going through a storm in life? A night season? Are you facing a test, trial, temptation, or tough situation?  

Whether you need help coping in the world we live in, your heart has been broken, your soul has been wounded, 

or you need to put yourself back on radar with proper self-care, or any number of other issues,

as representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we are ready and willing to assist and support you!

As the lighthouse it's never about us! 

It's all about the light, or the beacon shining from the lighthouse into the darkness or the storms of life.

Jesus, in His manifested presence through the Holy Spirit, IS THE LIGHT

who guides and illuminates the way for those 

who need help getting their bearings or finding their way to safe harbor.


We keep the Lord at the center, and we rely on wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We incorporate the spiritual elements of prayer, use of scripture, and use of biblical principles.

While we are not licensed counselors, as clergy we offer " Godly counsel", also known as " biblical counsel" or " wise counsel",

which comes from the Holy Spirit, who is the counsellor.

This counsel from the Spirit of Truth, and from the Word of God, the Bible, is available to everyone.


  Your Personal Care Session:

We begin with a complimentary 15-20 minute consultation to listen to your needs and areas you want to work on,

and determine if we are a good fit for each other.


There is no legal contract to sign. 

Rather, you will be asked to read and acknowledge receiving the following four documents:

1) Caregiver/Client agreement describing each of our responsibilities to make the best progress possible.

2) Our company policies

C) Confidentiality and Mandated Reporting Requirement

D) Disclaimer and Release of Liability form

  We schedule your care session at a day and time that is mutually agreeable,

taking time zones into consideration.

1:1 Care Sessions are predominately conducted by phone, so that distance is not an issue. 


As the client, you are always in control of the things you want to discuss or work on.

We go at your pace.


  If there are multiple areas of need (which is extremely common),

before your first session, we ask that you give thought to the area you want to begin working on first.


Sessions are pre-paid in advance via Pay-Pal button on our website.

  We are committed to praying for you before each session.

Please call us at 720-217-8489 to schedule your complimentary consultation. 



We are English speaking only and are not fluent in any other language.

We can still support those speaking other languages if you are willing to provide and utilize a translator. 

(If you do choose to use a translator, please understand that you are voluntarily forfeiting privacy.)


If you are seeking care from a Licensed Counselor, Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Social Worker, or Clinical caregiver,

we cannot fill that need.


  We also do not provide medical care, diagnose conditions, or prescribe medications.


We are not attorneys and we do not give legal advice.


We are not a crisis center.


We are not a suicide hotline.

Transforming Glory Ministries, LLC





  We are a voice of hope in the storms of life.   

We exist for such a time as this.


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